Wildsoet Publications
95. Garcia MB, Jha AK, Healy KE, Wildsoet CF. A bioengineering approach to myopia control tested in a guinea pig model. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2017;58(3):1875-1886.
94. Wang KK, Metlapally R, Wildsoet CF. Expression profile of the integrin receptor subunits in the guinea pig sclera. Curr Eye Res. 2017; 17:1-7.
93. Metlapally R, Park HN, Chakraborty R, Wang KK, Tan CC, Light JG, Pardue MT, Wildsoet CF. Genome-wide scleral micro- and messenger-RNA regulation during myopia development in the mouse. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2016;57(14):6089-6097.
92. Ostrin LA, Choh V, Wildsoet CF. The pattern ERG in chicks-stimulus dependence and optic nerve section. Vision Res. 2016;128:45-52.
91. Kang P, McAlinden C, Wildsoet CF. Effects of multifocal soft contact lenses used to slow myopia progression on quality of vision in young adults. Acta Ophthalmol. 2017;95(1):e43-e53.
90. Nava DR, Antony B, Zhang LI, Abràmoff MD, Wildsoet CF. Novel method using 3-dimentional segmentation in spectral domain-optical coherence tomography imaging in the chick reveals defocus-induced regional and time-sensitive asymmetries in the choroidal thickness. Vis Neurosci. 2016;33:E010.
89. Zhang Y, Raychaudhuri S, Wildsoet CF. Imposed optical defocus induces isoform-specific up-regulation of TGF-β gene expression in chick retinal pigment epithelium and choroid but not neural retina. PLoS One. 2016;11(5):e0155356.
88. Aller TA, Liu M, Wildsoet CF. Myopia control with bifocal contact lenses: a randomized clinical trial. Optom Vis Sci. 2016 Apr;93(4):344-52.
87. Zhang Y, Liu Y, Hang A, Phan E, Wildsoet CF. Differential gene expression of BMP2 and BMP receptors in chick retina & choroid induced by imposed optical defocus. Vis Neurosci. 2016 Jan;33:E015.
86. Ostrin LA, Wildsoet CF. Optic nerve head and intraocular pressure in the guinea pig eye. Exp Eye Res. 2016;146:7-16.
85. Kang P, Wildsoet CF. Acute and short-term changes in visual function with multifocal soft contact lens wear in young adults. Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 2016;39(2):133-40.
84. Metlapally R, Wildsoet CF. Scleral mechanisms underlying ocular growth and myopia. Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci. 2015;134:241-8. Review.
83. Zhang Y, Wildsoet CF. RPE and choroid mechanisms underlying ocular growth and myopia. Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci. 2015;134:221-40. Review.
82. Shen L, Melles RB, Metlapally R, Barcellos L, Schaefer C, Risch N, Herrinton LJ, Wildsoet C, Jorgenson E. The association of refractive error with glaucoma in a mu;tiethnic population. Ophthalmology. 2016;123(1):92-101.
81. Ostrin LA, Garcia MB, Choh V, Wildsoet CF. Pharmacologically stimulated pupil and accommodative changes in guinea pigs. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2014; 5;55(8):5456-65.
80. Lewis JA, Garcia MB, Rani L, Wildsoet CF.Intact globe inflation testing of changes in scleral mechanics in myopia and recovery. Exp Eye Res. 2014; 127:42-8.
79. McFadden SA, Tse DY, Bowrey HE, Leotta AJ, Lam CS, Wildsoet CF, To CH. Integration of defocus by dual power Fresnel lenses inhibits myopia in the mammalian eye. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2014;55(2):908-17.
78. Alvarez AA, Wildsoet CF.Quantifying light exposure patterns in young adult students. J Mod Opt. 2013;60(14):1200-1208.
77. Metlapally R, Gonzalez P, Hawthorne FA, Tran-Viet KN, Wildsoet CF, Young TL. Scleral micro-RNA signatures in adult and fetal eyes. PLoS One. 2013;8(10):e78984.
76. Schaeffel F, Wildsoet C. Can the retina alone detect the sign of defocus? Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2013;33:362-7.
75. Wildsoet C, L Nickla D, Guggenheim J, S Logan N. An introduction to Point-Counterpoint articles. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2013;33:354.
74. Hammond DS, Wallman J, Wildsoet CF. Dynamics of active emmetropisation in young chicks - influence of sign and magnitude of imposed defocus. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2013;33:215-26.
73. Wildsoet CF, Nickla DL, Guggenheim JA, S Logan N. On the shoulders of a giant: his legacy will live on. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2013;33:193-5.
72. Aller T, Wildsoet C. Optical Control of Myopia Has Come of Age: Or Has It? Optom Vis Sci. 2013; 90(5):e135-137.
71. Zhang Y, Liu Y, Carol Ho, Wildsoet CF. Effects of imposed defocus of opposite sign on temporal gene expression patterns of BMP4 and BMP7 in chick RPE. Exp Eye Res. 2013; 109:98-106.
70. Zhang Y, Liu Y, Wildsoet CF. Bidirectional, optical sign-dependent regulation of BMP2 gene expression in chick retinal pigment epithelium. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2012;53:6072-80.
69. Hammond DS, Wildsoet CF. Compensation to positive as well as negative lenses can occur in chicks reared in bright UV lighting. Vision Res. 2012; 67:44-50.
68. Liu Y, Wildsoet C. The effective add inherent in 2-zone negative lenses inhibits eye growth in myopic young chicks. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2012; 53(8):5085-93.
67. Tian Y, Tarrant J, Wildsoet CF. Optical and biometric characteristics of anisomyopia in human adults. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2011; 31(5):540-9.
66. Ostrin LA, Liu Y, Choh V, Wildsoet CF (2011). The role of the iris in chick accommodation. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 52(7):4710-6.
65. Tarutta E, Chua WH, Young T, Goldschmidt E, Saw SM, Rose KA, Smith E 3rd, Mutti DO, Ashby R, Stone RA, Wildsoet C, Howland HC, Fischer AJ, Stell WK, Reichenbach A, Frost M, Gentle A, Zhu X, Summers-Rada J, Barathi V, Jiang L, McFadden S, Guggenheim JA, Hammond C, Schippert R, To CH, Gwiazda J, Marcos S, Collins M, Charman WN, Artal P, Tabernero J, Atchison DA, Troilo D, Norton TT, Wallman J. Myopia: Why Study the Mechanisms of Myopia? Novel Approaches to Risk Factors Signalling Eye Growth- How Could Basic Biology Be Translated into Clinical Insights? Where Are Genetic and Proteomic Approaches Leading? How Does Visual Function Contribute to and Interact with Ametropia? Does Eye Shape Matter? Why Ametropia at All?. Optom Vis Sci. 2011 Feb 3.
64. Liu Y, Wildsoet C. The effect of two-zone concentric bifocal spectacle lenses on refractive error development and eye growth in young chicks. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2011;52(2):1078-86.
63. Ganesan P and Wildsoet CF. Pharmaceutical Intervention for Myopia Control. Expert Rev of Ophthalmol. 2010; 5(6):759-87.
62. Tarrant J, Roorda A, Wildsoet CF (2010). Determining the accommodative response from wavefront aberrations. J Vis. 2010; 10: 4.
61. Su J, Wall ST, Healy KE, Wildsoet CF. Scleral reinforcement through host tissue integration with biomimetic enzymatically degradable semi-interpenetrating polymer network. Tissue Eng Part A. 2010; 16:905-16.
60. Su J, Iomdina E, Tarutta E, Ward B, Song J, Wildsoet CF. Effects of poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) and poly(vinyl-pyrrolidone) hydrogel implants on myopic and normal chick sclera. Exp Eye Res. 2009; 88:445-57.
59. Ai L, Li J, Guan H, Wildsoet CF. Emmetropization and eye growth in young aphakic chickens. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2009; 50:295-304.
58. McBrien NA, Young TL, Pang CP, Hammond C, Baird P, Saw SM, Morgan IG, Mutti DO, Rose KA, Wallman J, Gentle A, Wildsoet CF, Gwiazda J, Schmid KL, Smith E 3rd, Troilo D, Summers-Rada J, Norton TT, Schaeffel F, Megaw P, Beuerman RW, McFadden SA. Myopia: Recent Advances in Molecular Studies; Prevalence, Progression and Risk Factors; Emmetropization; Therapies; Optical Links; Peripheral Refraction; Sclera and Ocular Growth; Signalling Cascades; and Animal Models. Optom Vis Sci. 2008.
57. Aller TA, Wildsoet C. Bifocal soft contact lenses as a possible myopia control treatment: a case report involving identical twins. Clin Exp Optom. 2008; 91:394-9.
56. Padmanabhan V, Shih J, Wildsoet CF. Patching fellow eyes during subjective night does not prevent disruption to minus lens compensation in constant light-reared chicks. Vision Res. 2008; 48:1992-8.
55. Tran N, Chiu S, Tian Y, Wildsoet CF. The significance of retinal image contrast and spatial frequency composition for eye growth modulation in young chicks. Vision Res. 2008; 48:1655-62.
54. Tarrant J, Severson H, Wildsoet CF. Accommodation in emmetropic and myopic young adults wearing bifocal soft contact lenses. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2008; 28:62-72.
53. Choh V, Padmanabhan V, Li WS, Sullivan AB, Wildsoet CF. Colchicine attenuates compensation to negative but not to positive lenses in young chicks. Exp Eye Res. 2008; 86:260-70.
52. Tian Y, Shieh K, Wildsoet CF. Performance of focus measures in the presence of nondefocus aberrations. J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis. 2007; 24:B165-73.
51. Rymer J, Choh V, Bharadwaj S, Padmanabhan V, Modilevsky L, Jovanovich E, Yeh B, Zhang Z, Guan H, Payne W, Wildsoet CF. The albino chick as a model for studying ocular developmental anomalies, including refractive errors, associated with albinism.Exp Eye Res. 2007; 85:431-42.
50. Padmanabhan V, Shih J, Wildsoet CF. Constant light rearing disrupts compensation to imposed- but not induced-hyperopia and facilitates compensation to imposed myopia in chicks. Vision Res. 2007; 47:1855-68.
49. Tian Y, Wildsoet CF. Diurnal fluctuations and developmental changes in ocular dimensions and optical aberrations in young chicks. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2006; 47:4168-78.
48. Choh V, Lew MY, Nadel MW, Wildsoet CF. Effects of interchanging hyperopic defocus and form deprivation stimuli in normal and optic nerve-sectioned chicks. Vision Res. 2006; 46:1070-9.
47. Rymer J, Wildsoet CF. The role of the retinal pigment epithelium in eye growth regulation and myopia: a review. Vis Neurosci. 2005; 22:251-61.
46. Diether S, Wildsoet CF (2005). Stimulus requirements for the decoding of myopic and hyperopic defocus under single and competing defocus conditions in the chicken. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2005; 46:2242-52.
45. Logan NS, Gilmartin B, Wildsoet CF, Dunne MC. Posterior retinal contour in adult human anisomyopia. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2004; 45:2152-62.
Schmid KL, Wildsoet CF. Inhibitory effects of apomorphine and atropine and their combination on myopia in chicks. Optom Vis Sci. 2004; 81:137-47.
44. Saltarelli D, Wildsoet C, Nickla D, Troilo D. Susceptibility to form-deprivation myopia in chicks is not altered by an early experience of axial myopia. Optom Vis Sci. 2004; 81:119-26.
43. Nickla DL, Wildsoet CF. The effect of the nonspecific nitric oxide synthase inhibitor NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester on the choroidal compensatory response to myopic defocus in chickens. Optom Vis Sci. 2004; 81:111-8.
42. Wildsoet CF. Neural pathways subserving negative lens-induced emmetropization in chicks – Insights from selective lesioning of the optic nerve and/or ciliary nerve. Curr Eye Res. 2003; 27: 371-385.
41. Coletta NJ, Marcos S, Wildsoet CF, Troilo D. Double-pass measurement of retinal image quality in the chicken eye. Optom Vis Sci. 2003; 80: 50-57.
40. Schmid KL, Hill T, Abbott, M, Humphries M, Pyne K, Wildsoet CF. Relationship between intraocular pressure and eye growth in chick. Ophthal Physiol Opt. 2003; 23: 25-33.
39. Nickla DL, Wildsoet CF, Troilo D. Diurnal rhythms in intraocular pressure, axial length and choroidal thickness in a primate model of eye growth, the comon marmoset. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2002; 43: 2519-2528.
38. Fitzgerald MEC, Wildsoet CF, Reiner A. Temporal relationship of choroidal blood flow and thickness changes during recovery from form deprivation myopia in chicks. Exp Eye Res. 2002; 74: 561-70.
37. Wildsoet, CF, Schmid KL. Emmetropization in chicks uses optical vergence and relative distance cues to decode defocus. Vision Res. 2001; 41: 3197-3204.
36. Nickla DL, Wildsoet CF, Troilo D. Endogenous rhythms in axial length and choroidal thickness in chicks: implications for ocular growth regulation. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2001; 42: 584-588.
35. Wildsoet CF (2000). Myopization and the effects of optic nerve section revisited – A study in chick. Myopia 2000: Proceedings of the VIII International Conference on Myopia (F Thorn, D Troilo, J Gwiazda eds), Boston, pp 151-156.
34. Flitcroft DI, Troilo D, Wildsoet CF (2000). A new perspective in the pharmacological treatment of myopia. Myopia 2000: Proceedings of the VIII International Conference on Myopia (F Thorn, D Troilo, J Gwiazda eds), Boston, pp 195-199.
33. Nickla DL, Wildsoet CF, Troilo D (2000). Ocular diurnal rhythms in animal models of eye growth: Implications for ocular growth regulation. Myopia 2000: Proceedings of the VIII International Conference on Myopia (F Thorn, D Troilo, J Gwiazda eds), Boston, pp. 302-307.
32. Troilo D, Nickla DL, Wildsoet CF. Form deprivation myopia in mature common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2000; 41: 2043-2049.
31. Wildsoet CF, Schmid KL. Optical correction of form deprivation myopia prevents refractive recovery in chick eyes with intact or sectioned optic nerves. Vision Res. 2000; 40: 3273-3282.
30. Schmid KL, Abbott M, Humphries M, Pyne K, Wildsoet CF. Timolol lowers intraocular pressure but does not inhibit the development of experimental myopia in chick. Exp Eye Res. 2000; 70: 659-666.
29. Troilo D, Nickla DL, Wildsoet CF. Choroidal thickness changes during altered eye growth and refractive state in a primate. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2000; 41: 1249-1258.
28. Wildsoet CF, Nevin ST, Schmid KL (2000). Influence of controlled viewing conditions on emmetropization to imposed myopic defocus in the chick. IN: Myopia Updates II, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Myopia, 1998 (LL-K Lin, Y-F Shih, PT Hung eds), Springer, Tokyo, pp. 113-117.
27. Wildsoet CF, Oswald PJ, Clark S. Albinism: Its implications for refractive development. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2000; 41: 1-7.
26. Wildsoet CF. Structural correlates of myopia. Part II. Optician. 1999; 218 (5720): 18-19.
25. Wildsoet CF. Structural correlates of myopia. Part I. Optician. 1999; 218 (5719): 16-21.
24. Wildsoet CF, Wong ROL. News and Views: A far-sighted view of myopia. Nature Medicine. 1999; 5: 879-880.
23. Wildsoet CF, Norton TT. Editorial: Towards controlling myopia progression? Optom Vision Sci. 1999; 76: 341-342.
22. Schmid KL, Strang NC, Wildsoet CF. Imposed retinal image size changes - do they provide a cue to the sign of lens-induced defocus in chick? Optom Vision Sci . 1999;76: 320-325.
21. Wildsoet CF (1998). Structural correlates of myopia In: Myopia and Near Work, Gilmartin B & Rosenfield M (eds), Butterworth-Heinemann: Oxford, pp 31-56.
20. Nevin ST, Schmid KL, Wildsoet CF. Sharp vision - a prerequisite for compensation to myopic defocus in the chick? Curr Eye Res. 1998; 17: 322-331.
19. Nickla DL, Wallman J, Wildsoet CF. Visual influences on diurnal rhythms in ocular length and choroidal thickness in chick eyes. Exp Eye Res. 1998; 66; 163-181
18. Nickla DL, Wallman J, Wildsoet CF. The circadian rhythm in intraocular pressure and its relation to diurnal ocular growth changes in chicks. Exp Eye Res. 1998; 66: 183-193.
17. Schmid K, Wildsoet CF. Natural and imposed astigmatism and their relation to emmetropization in the chick. Exp Eye Res. 1997; 64: 837-847.
16. Schmid K, Wildsoet CF. Contrast and spatial frequency requirements for emmetropization in chicks. Vision Res. 1997; 37: 2011-2021.
15. Nickla DL, Wallman J, Wildsoet CF. Compensation for spectacle lenses involves changes in proteoglycan synthesis in both the sclera and choroid. Curr Eye Res. 1997; 16: 320-326 (ERRATUM: 625).
14. Wildsoet CF. Active emmetropization: evidence for its existence and ramifications for clinical practice. Ophthal Physiol Opt. 1997; 17: 279-290. (also reprinted in Spanish in Ciencias de la Optometria, 1999).
13. Schmid K, Wildsoet CF. Hard contact lenses alter accommodative gain but do not prevent refractive adaptation in chicks. Optom Vis Sci. 1997; 74: 20-27.
12. Schmid K, Wildsoet CF. The sensitivity of the chick eye to refractive defocus. Ophthal Physiol Opt. 1997; 17: 61-67.
11. Schmid K, Wildsoet CF. Effects of the compensatory responses to positive and negative lenses of intermittent lens wear and ciliary nerve section in chicks. Vision Res. 1996; 36: 1023-1036.
10. Schmid K, Wildsoet CF. Breed- and gender-dependent differences in eye growth and form deprivation responses in chicks. J Comp Physiol A. 1996; 178: 551-561.
9. Wildsoet CF, Wallman J. Choroidal and scleral mechanisms of compensation for spectacle lenses in chicks. Vision Res. 1995; 35: 1175-1194.
8. Atchison DA, Collins MJ, Wildsoet CF, Christensen J, Waterworth MD. Measurement of monochromatic aberrations of the human eye as a function of accommodation. Vision Res. 1995; 35: 313-323.
7. Collins MJ, Wildsoet CF, Atchison DA. Monochromatic aberrations and myopia. Vision Res. 1995; 35: 1157-1164.
6. Wallman, J, Wildsoet CF, Xu A, Gottlieb MD, Nickla DL, Marran L, Krebs W, Christensen AM. Moving the retina: Choroidal modulation of refractive state. Vision Res. 1995;35: 37-50.
5. Wildsoet CF. The Aetiology of Myopia - A review of results from animal studies and their implications for the clinical management of human myopia. IN: Proceedings Ninth Asian-Pacific Optometric Congress, April, 1993.
4. Teakle EM, Wildsoet CF, Vaney DI. Spatial organization of dopaminergic amacrine cells in chick retina: consequences of myopia. Vision Res. 1993; 33: 2383-2396.
3. Wildsoet CF, Howland HC, Falconer S and Dick K. Chromatic aberration and accommodation: their role in emmetropization in the chick. Vision Res. 1993; 33: 1593-1603.
2. Wildsoet CF and Pettigrew J. Experimental myopia and anomalous eye growth patterns unaffected by optic nerve section in chickens: evidence for local control of eye growth. Clin Vis Sci. 1988;3: 99-107.
1. Wildsoet CF and Pettigrew J. Kainic acid-induced eye enlargement in chickens, differential effects on anterior and posterior segments. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 1988; 29: 311-319.
Updated 5/1/2017
95. Garcia MB, Jha AK, Healy KE, Wildsoet CF. A bioengineering approach to myopia control tested in a guinea pig model. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2017;58(3):1875-1886.
94. Wang KK, Metlapally R, Wildsoet CF. Expression profile of the integrin receptor subunits in the guinea pig sclera. Curr Eye Res. 2017; 17:1-7.
93. Metlapally R, Park HN, Chakraborty R, Wang KK, Tan CC, Light JG, Pardue MT, Wildsoet CF. Genome-wide scleral micro- and messenger-RNA regulation during myopia development in the mouse. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2016;57(14):6089-6097.
92. Ostrin LA, Choh V, Wildsoet CF. The pattern ERG in chicks-stimulus dependence and optic nerve section. Vision Res. 2016;128:45-52.
91. Kang P, McAlinden C, Wildsoet CF. Effects of multifocal soft contact lenses used to slow myopia progression on quality of vision in young adults. Acta Ophthalmol. 2017;95(1):e43-e53.
90. Nava DR, Antony B, Zhang LI, Abràmoff MD, Wildsoet CF. Novel method using 3-dimentional segmentation in spectral domain-optical coherence tomography imaging in the chick reveals defocus-induced regional and time-sensitive asymmetries in the choroidal thickness. Vis Neurosci. 2016;33:E010.
89. Zhang Y, Raychaudhuri S, Wildsoet CF. Imposed optical defocus induces isoform-specific up-regulation of TGF-β gene expression in chick retinal pigment epithelium and choroid but not neural retina. PLoS One. 2016;11(5):e0155356.
88. Aller TA, Liu M, Wildsoet CF. Myopia control with bifocal contact lenses: a randomized clinical trial. Optom Vis Sci. 2016 Apr;93(4):344-52.
87. Zhang Y, Liu Y, Hang A, Phan E, Wildsoet CF. Differential gene expression of BMP2 and BMP receptors in chick retina & choroid induced by imposed optical defocus. Vis Neurosci. 2016 Jan;33:E015.
86. Ostrin LA, Wildsoet CF. Optic nerve head and intraocular pressure in the guinea pig eye. Exp Eye Res. 2016;146:7-16.
85. Kang P, Wildsoet CF. Acute and short-term changes in visual function with multifocal soft contact lens wear in young adults. Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 2016;39(2):133-40.
84. Metlapally R, Wildsoet CF. Scleral mechanisms underlying ocular growth and myopia. Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci. 2015;134:241-8. Review.
83. Zhang Y, Wildsoet CF. RPE and choroid mechanisms underlying ocular growth and myopia. Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci. 2015;134:221-40. Review.
82. Shen L, Melles RB, Metlapally R, Barcellos L, Schaefer C, Risch N, Herrinton LJ, Wildsoet C, Jorgenson E. The association of refractive error with glaucoma in a mu;tiethnic population. Ophthalmology. 2016;123(1):92-101.
81. Ostrin LA, Garcia MB, Choh V, Wildsoet CF. Pharmacologically stimulated pupil and accommodative changes in guinea pigs. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2014; 5;55(8):5456-65.
80. Lewis JA, Garcia MB, Rani L, Wildsoet CF.Intact globe inflation testing of changes in scleral mechanics in myopia and recovery. Exp Eye Res. 2014; 127:42-8.
79. McFadden SA, Tse DY, Bowrey HE, Leotta AJ, Lam CS, Wildsoet CF, To CH. Integration of defocus by dual power Fresnel lenses inhibits myopia in the mammalian eye. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2014;55(2):908-17.
78. Alvarez AA, Wildsoet CF.Quantifying light exposure patterns in young adult students. J Mod Opt. 2013;60(14):1200-1208.
77. Metlapally R, Gonzalez P, Hawthorne FA, Tran-Viet KN, Wildsoet CF, Young TL. Scleral micro-RNA signatures in adult and fetal eyes. PLoS One. 2013;8(10):e78984.
76. Schaeffel F, Wildsoet C. Can the retina alone detect the sign of defocus? Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2013;33:362-7.
75. Wildsoet C, L Nickla D, Guggenheim J, S Logan N. An introduction to Point-Counterpoint articles. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2013;33:354.
74. Hammond DS, Wallman J, Wildsoet CF. Dynamics of active emmetropisation in young chicks - influence of sign and magnitude of imposed defocus. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2013;33:215-26.
73. Wildsoet CF, Nickla DL, Guggenheim JA, S Logan N. On the shoulders of a giant: his legacy will live on. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2013;33:193-5.
72. Aller T, Wildsoet C. Optical Control of Myopia Has Come of Age: Or Has It? Optom Vis Sci. 2013; 90(5):e135-137.
71. Zhang Y, Liu Y, Carol Ho, Wildsoet CF. Effects of imposed defocus of opposite sign on temporal gene expression patterns of BMP4 and BMP7 in chick RPE. Exp Eye Res. 2013; 109:98-106.
70. Zhang Y, Liu Y, Wildsoet CF. Bidirectional, optical sign-dependent regulation of BMP2 gene expression in chick retinal pigment epithelium. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2012;53:6072-80.
69. Hammond DS, Wildsoet CF. Compensation to positive as well as negative lenses can occur in chicks reared in bright UV lighting. Vision Res. 2012; 67:44-50.
68. Liu Y, Wildsoet C. The effective add inherent in 2-zone negative lenses inhibits eye growth in myopic young chicks. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2012; 53(8):5085-93.
67. Tian Y, Tarrant J, Wildsoet CF. Optical and biometric characteristics of anisomyopia in human adults. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2011; 31(5):540-9.
66. Ostrin LA, Liu Y, Choh V, Wildsoet CF (2011). The role of the iris in chick accommodation. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 52(7):4710-6.
65. Tarutta E, Chua WH, Young T, Goldschmidt E, Saw SM, Rose KA, Smith E 3rd, Mutti DO, Ashby R, Stone RA, Wildsoet C, Howland HC, Fischer AJ, Stell WK, Reichenbach A, Frost M, Gentle A, Zhu X, Summers-Rada J, Barathi V, Jiang L, McFadden S, Guggenheim JA, Hammond C, Schippert R, To CH, Gwiazda J, Marcos S, Collins M, Charman WN, Artal P, Tabernero J, Atchison DA, Troilo D, Norton TT, Wallman J. Myopia: Why Study the Mechanisms of Myopia? Novel Approaches to Risk Factors Signalling Eye Growth- How Could Basic Biology Be Translated into Clinical Insights? Where Are Genetic and Proteomic Approaches Leading? How Does Visual Function Contribute to and Interact with Ametropia? Does Eye Shape Matter? Why Ametropia at All?. Optom Vis Sci. 2011 Feb 3.
64. Liu Y, Wildsoet C. The effect of two-zone concentric bifocal spectacle lenses on refractive error development and eye growth in young chicks. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2011;52(2):1078-86.
63. Ganesan P and Wildsoet CF. Pharmaceutical Intervention for Myopia Control. Expert Rev of Ophthalmol. 2010; 5(6):759-87.
62. Tarrant J, Roorda A, Wildsoet CF (2010). Determining the accommodative response from wavefront aberrations. J Vis. 2010; 10: 4.
61. Su J, Wall ST, Healy KE, Wildsoet CF. Scleral reinforcement through host tissue integration with biomimetic enzymatically degradable semi-interpenetrating polymer network. Tissue Eng Part A. 2010; 16:905-16.
60. Su J, Iomdina E, Tarutta E, Ward B, Song J, Wildsoet CF. Effects of poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) and poly(vinyl-pyrrolidone) hydrogel implants on myopic and normal chick sclera. Exp Eye Res. 2009; 88:445-57.
59. Ai L, Li J, Guan H, Wildsoet CF. Emmetropization and eye growth in young aphakic chickens. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2009; 50:295-304.
58. McBrien NA, Young TL, Pang CP, Hammond C, Baird P, Saw SM, Morgan IG, Mutti DO, Rose KA, Wallman J, Gentle A, Wildsoet CF, Gwiazda J, Schmid KL, Smith E 3rd, Troilo D, Summers-Rada J, Norton TT, Schaeffel F, Megaw P, Beuerman RW, McFadden SA. Myopia: Recent Advances in Molecular Studies; Prevalence, Progression and Risk Factors; Emmetropization; Therapies; Optical Links; Peripheral Refraction; Sclera and Ocular Growth; Signalling Cascades; and Animal Models. Optom Vis Sci. 2008.
57. Aller TA, Wildsoet C. Bifocal soft contact lenses as a possible myopia control treatment: a case report involving identical twins. Clin Exp Optom. 2008; 91:394-9.
56. Padmanabhan V, Shih J, Wildsoet CF. Patching fellow eyes during subjective night does not prevent disruption to minus lens compensation in constant light-reared chicks. Vision Res. 2008; 48:1992-8.
55. Tran N, Chiu S, Tian Y, Wildsoet CF. The significance of retinal image contrast and spatial frequency composition for eye growth modulation in young chicks. Vision Res. 2008; 48:1655-62.
54. Tarrant J, Severson H, Wildsoet CF. Accommodation in emmetropic and myopic young adults wearing bifocal soft contact lenses. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2008; 28:62-72.
53. Choh V, Padmanabhan V, Li WS, Sullivan AB, Wildsoet CF. Colchicine attenuates compensation to negative but not to positive lenses in young chicks. Exp Eye Res. 2008; 86:260-70.
52. Tian Y, Shieh K, Wildsoet CF. Performance of focus measures in the presence of nondefocus aberrations. J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis. 2007; 24:B165-73.
51. Rymer J, Choh V, Bharadwaj S, Padmanabhan V, Modilevsky L, Jovanovich E, Yeh B, Zhang Z, Guan H, Payne W, Wildsoet CF. The albino chick as a model for studying ocular developmental anomalies, including refractive errors, associated with albinism.Exp Eye Res. 2007; 85:431-42.
50. Padmanabhan V, Shih J, Wildsoet CF. Constant light rearing disrupts compensation to imposed- but not induced-hyperopia and facilitates compensation to imposed myopia in chicks. Vision Res. 2007; 47:1855-68.
49. Tian Y, Wildsoet CF. Diurnal fluctuations and developmental changes in ocular dimensions and optical aberrations in young chicks. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2006; 47:4168-78.
48. Choh V, Lew MY, Nadel MW, Wildsoet CF. Effects of interchanging hyperopic defocus and form deprivation stimuli in normal and optic nerve-sectioned chicks. Vision Res. 2006; 46:1070-9.
47. Rymer J, Wildsoet CF. The role of the retinal pigment epithelium in eye growth regulation and myopia: a review. Vis Neurosci. 2005; 22:251-61.
46. Diether S, Wildsoet CF (2005). Stimulus requirements for the decoding of myopic and hyperopic defocus under single and competing defocus conditions in the chicken. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2005; 46:2242-52.
45. Logan NS, Gilmartin B, Wildsoet CF, Dunne MC. Posterior retinal contour in adult human anisomyopia. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2004; 45:2152-62.
Schmid KL, Wildsoet CF. Inhibitory effects of apomorphine and atropine and their combination on myopia in chicks. Optom Vis Sci. 2004; 81:137-47.
44. Saltarelli D, Wildsoet C, Nickla D, Troilo D. Susceptibility to form-deprivation myopia in chicks is not altered by an early experience of axial myopia. Optom Vis Sci. 2004; 81:119-26.
43. Nickla DL, Wildsoet CF. The effect of the nonspecific nitric oxide synthase inhibitor NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester on the choroidal compensatory response to myopic defocus in chickens. Optom Vis Sci. 2004; 81:111-8.
42. Wildsoet CF. Neural pathways subserving negative lens-induced emmetropization in chicks – Insights from selective lesioning of the optic nerve and/or ciliary nerve. Curr Eye Res. 2003; 27: 371-385.
41. Coletta NJ, Marcos S, Wildsoet CF, Troilo D. Double-pass measurement of retinal image quality in the chicken eye. Optom Vis Sci. 2003; 80: 50-57.
40. Schmid KL, Hill T, Abbott, M, Humphries M, Pyne K, Wildsoet CF. Relationship between intraocular pressure and eye growth in chick. Ophthal Physiol Opt. 2003; 23: 25-33.
39. Nickla DL, Wildsoet CF, Troilo D. Diurnal rhythms in intraocular pressure, axial length and choroidal thickness in a primate model of eye growth, the comon marmoset. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2002; 43: 2519-2528.
38. Fitzgerald MEC, Wildsoet CF, Reiner A. Temporal relationship of choroidal blood flow and thickness changes during recovery from form deprivation myopia in chicks. Exp Eye Res. 2002; 74: 561-70.
37. Wildsoet, CF, Schmid KL. Emmetropization in chicks uses optical vergence and relative distance cues to decode defocus. Vision Res. 2001; 41: 3197-3204.
36. Nickla DL, Wildsoet CF, Troilo D. Endogenous rhythms in axial length and choroidal thickness in chicks: implications for ocular growth regulation. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2001; 42: 584-588.
35. Wildsoet CF (2000). Myopization and the effects of optic nerve section revisited – A study in chick. Myopia 2000: Proceedings of the VIII International Conference on Myopia (F Thorn, D Troilo, J Gwiazda eds), Boston, pp 151-156.
34. Flitcroft DI, Troilo D, Wildsoet CF (2000). A new perspective in the pharmacological treatment of myopia. Myopia 2000: Proceedings of the VIII International Conference on Myopia (F Thorn, D Troilo, J Gwiazda eds), Boston, pp 195-199.
33. Nickla DL, Wildsoet CF, Troilo D (2000). Ocular diurnal rhythms in animal models of eye growth: Implications for ocular growth regulation. Myopia 2000: Proceedings of the VIII International Conference on Myopia (F Thorn, D Troilo, J Gwiazda eds), Boston, pp. 302-307.
32. Troilo D, Nickla DL, Wildsoet CF. Form deprivation myopia in mature common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2000; 41: 2043-2049.
31. Wildsoet CF, Schmid KL. Optical correction of form deprivation myopia prevents refractive recovery in chick eyes with intact or sectioned optic nerves. Vision Res. 2000; 40: 3273-3282.
30. Schmid KL, Abbott M, Humphries M, Pyne K, Wildsoet CF. Timolol lowers intraocular pressure but does not inhibit the development of experimental myopia in chick. Exp Eye Res. 2000; 70: 659-666.
29. Troilo D, Nickla DL, Wildsoet CF. Choroidal thickness changes during altered eye growth and refractive state in a primate. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2000; 41: 1249-1258.
28. Wildsoet CF, Nevin ST, Schmid KL (2000). Influence of controlled viewing conditions on emmetropization to imposed myopic defocus in the chick. IN: Myopia Updates II, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Myopia, 1998 (LL-K Lin, Y-F Shih, PT Hung eds), Springer, Tokyo, pp. 113-117.
27. Wildsoet CF, Oswald PJ, Clark S. Albinism: Its implications for refractive development. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2000; 41: 1-7.
26. Wildsoet CF. Structural correlates of myopia. Part II. Optician. 1999; 218 (5720): 18-19.
25. Wildsoet CF. Structural correlates of myopia. Part I. Optician. 1999; 218 (5719): 16-21.
24. Wildsoet CF, Wong ROL. News and Views: A far-sighted view of myopia. Nature Medicine. 1999; 5: 879-880.
23. Wildsoet CF, Norton TT. Editorial: Towards controlling myopia progression? Optom Vision Sci. 1999; 76: 341-342.
22. Schmid KL, Strang NC, Wildsoet CF. Imposed retinal image size changes - do they provide a cue to the sign of lens-induced defocus in chick? Optom Vision Sci . 1999;76: 320-325.
21. Wildsoet CF (1998). Structural correlates of myopia In: Myopia and Near Work, Gilmartin B & Rosenfield M (eds), Butterworth-Heinemann: Oxford, pp 31-56.
20. Nevin ST, Schmid KL, Wildsoet CF. Sharp vision - a prerequisite for compensation to myopic defocus in the chick? Curr Eye Res. 1998; 17: 322-331.
19. Nickla DL, Wallman J, Wildsoet CF. Visual influences on diurnal rhythms in ocular length and choroidal thickness in chick eyes. Exp Eye Res. 1998; 66; 163-181
18. Nickla DL, Wallman J, Wildsoet CF. The circadian rhythm in intraocular pressure and its relation to diurnal ocular growth changes in chicks. Exp Eye Res. 1998; 66: 183-193.
17. Schmid K, Wildsoet CF. Natural and imposed astigmatism and their relation to emmetropization in the chick. Exp Eye Res. 1997; 64: 837-847.
16. Schmid K, Wildsoet CF. Contrast and spatial frequency requirements for emmetropization in chicks. Vision Res. 1997; 37: 2011-2021.
15. Nickla DL, Wallman J, Wildsoet CF. Compensation for spectacle lenses involves changes in proteoglycan synthesis in both the sclera and choroid. Curr Eye Res. 1997; 16: 320-326 (ERRATUM: 625).
14. Wildsoet CF. Active emmetropization: evidence for its existence and ramifications for clinical practice. Ophthal Physiol Opt. 1997; 17: 279-290. (also reprinted in Spanish in Ciencias de la Optometria, 1999).
13. Schmid K, Wildsoet CF. Hard contact lenses alter accommodative gain but do not prevent refractive adaptation in chicks. Optom Vis Sci. 1997; 74: 20-27.
12. Schmid K, Wildsoet CF. The sensitivity of the chick eye to refractive defocus. Ophthal Physiol Opt. 1997; 17: 61-67.
11. Schmid K, Wildsoet CF. Effects of the compensatory responses to positive and negative lenses of intermittent lens wear and ciliary nerve section in chicks. Vision Res. 1996; 36: 1023-1036.
10. Schmid K, Wildsoet CF. Breed- and gender-dependent differences in eye growth and form deprivation responses in chicks. J Comp Physiol A. 1996; 178: 551-561.
9. Wildsoet CF, Wallman J. Choroidal and scleral mechanisms of compensation for spectacle lenses in chicks. Vision Res. 1995; 35: 1175-1194.
8. Atchison DA, Collins MJ, Wildsoet CF, Christensen J, Waterworth MD. Measurement of monochromatic aberrations of the human eye as a function of accommodation. Vision Res. 1995; 35: 313-323.
7. Collins MJ, Wildsoet CF, Atchison DA. Monochromatic aberrations and myopia. Vision Res. 1995; 35: 1157-1164.
6. Wallman, J, Wildsoet CF, Xu A, Gottlieb MD, Nickla DL, Marran L, Krebs W, Christensen AM. Moving the retina: Choroidal modulation of refractive state. Vision Res. 1995;35: 37-50.
5. Wildsoet CF. The Aetiology of Myopia - A review of results from animal studies and their implications for the clinical management of human myopia. IN: Proceedings Ninth Asian-Pacific Optometric Congress, April, 1993.
4. Teakle EM, Wildsoet CF, Vaney DI. Spatial organization of dopaminergic amacrine cells in chick retina: consequences of myopia. Vision Res. 1993; 33: 2383-2396.
3. Wildsoet CF, Howland HC, Falconer S and Dick K. Chromatic aberration and accommodation: their role in emmetropization in the chick. Vision Res. 1993; 33: 1593-1603.
2. Wildsoet CF and Pettigrew J. Experimental myopia and anomalous eye growth patterns unaffected by optic nerve section in chickens: evidence for local control of eye growth. Clin Vis Sci. 1988;3: 99-107.
1. Wildsoet CF and Pettigrew J. Kainic acid-induced eye enlargement in chickens, differential effects on anterior and posterior segments. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 1988; 29: 311-319.
Updated 5/1/2017