Harb Publications
Scientific Publications Bibliography can be found at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/myncbi/1fykobknbFEkd/bibliography/public/
2019 Harb, E., Wildsoet, C. “Nutritional Factors and Myopia: An Analysis of NHANES Data”. Optom and Vis Sci. Under Review.
2017 Marsh-Tootle, W., Harb, E., Hou,W., Zhang, Q., et al. “Optic nerve tilt, crescent, ovality and torsion in a multi-ethnic cohort of young adults with and without myopia” Inves Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 58(7): 3158-3171.
2016 Liu, L., Marsh-Tootle, W., Harb E., Hou,W., Zhang, Q., et al. “A Sloped Piecemeal Gaussian Model for Characterizing Foveal Pit Shape” Ophthal Physiol Optics. 36(6): 615-631.
2015 Harb, E., Hyman, L., Gwiazda, J., Marsh-Tootle, W., Zhang, Q., Hou, W., Norton, T.T., Dirkes, K., Zangwill, L.M., "Choroidal thickness profiles in myopic eyes of young adults in the Correction of Myopia Evaluation Trial cohort" Am J Ophthalmol. 160(1):62-71.
2013 Scheiman, M., Zhang, Q., Gwiazda, J., Hyman, L., Harb, E., Weissberg, E., ... & Dias, L. Visual activity and its association with myopia stabilization. Ophthal Physiol Optics. 34(3) 263-385.
2012 Harb, E., Hyman,L., Fazzari,M., Marsh-Tootle,W., Gwiazda,J. and the COMET group. “Factors Associated with Macular Thickness in the COMET Myopic Cohort” Optom and Vis Sci. 89(5) 620-631.
2009 Troilo, D., Totonelly, K. and Harb, E. Imposed anisometropia, accommodation, and regulation of refractive state. Optom and Vis Sci, 86(1), pp.E31-E39.
2009 Correction of Myopia Evaluation Trial 2 Study Group. “Accommodative lag by autorefraction and two dynamic retinoscopy methods.” Optom and Vis Sci; 86(3):233-43.
2006 Harb,E., Thorn,F., & Troilo, D. “Characteristics of accommodative behavior during sustained reading in emmetropes and myopes.” Vision Research. 46(16).2581-2592.
2005 Harb, E., Kran, B. “Pfeiffer Syndrome: ocular and systemic complications.” Optometry-Journal of the American Optometric Association. 76(7). 352-362.
2018 Harb, E., Wildsoet, C. “Origins of Refractive Error: Environmental and Genetic Influences”. Annual Review of Vision Science. (5):47-72.
2011 Harb, E. “Ocular Periphery and Disorders – Chapter on Hyperopia”, Elsevier, Edited by Dartt, Bex, Dana, McLoon, D’Amore, & Niederkorn . (Revised 2018)
2009 Harb, E. “Encyclopedia of the Eye- Chapter on Hyperopia” Elsevier, Edited by Joseph Beshare & Reza Dana
2008 Harb, E. American Optometric Association Clinical Guidelines: Hyperopia. Major Participant in Revision of Guidelines.
2019 Godinez A, Harb E, Grimes J, Davuluru S, Wildsoet CF, Levi D “Binocular Vision Changes Following Sustained VR Play” Presented at ARVO meeting (poster).
2019 Harb E., Godinez A, Grimes J, Davuluru S, Wildsoet CF, Levi D “ Choroidal Thickness Changes Following Sustained VR Play” Presented at ARVO meeting (poster).
2018 Harb, E., Hoang, J., Kim, MY., Giuliano, C., Wildsoet, CF. “Outdoor and Indoor Lighting Characteristics and Myopia”. Presented at AAO meeting (poster).
2017 Harb, E., M Guillen, JE Choi, M Chan, Z Sajjadi, CF Wildsoet “Subjective and Objective Measures of Human Behavior Are Not Equivalent” Presented at International Myopia meeting (Birmingham, UK, poster).
2016 Harb, E., Wildsoet, C. “The relationship between Vitamin D and myopia: An analysis of NHANES data” Presented at AAO meeting (paper).
2016 Harb E., Chan, M., Tran, A., Wildsoet, C. “Characteristics of indoor and outdoor light exposure differ with refractive status in young adults” Presented at ARVO meeting (poster).
2016 Chan, M., Harb E., Tran, A., Wildsoet, C. “Subjective questionnaires overestimate habitual outdoor activity in young adults” Presented at ARVO meeting (poster).
2015 Harb, E., Alvarez, A., Chan, M., Tran, A., Wildsoet, C. “Outdoor activity is predictable in university students” Presented at AAO meeting (poster).
2015 Liu, L., Marsh-Tootle,W., Harb,E., Hyman,L., Hou,W., Zhang,Q., Anderson, H., Norton, T.T., Gwiazda, J. “A Sloped Piece Gaussian Model for Foveal Pit Shape Tested on OCT Data from Young Adults” Presented at ARVO meeting (poster).
2014 Harb, E., Hyman, L., Gwiazda, J., Marsh-Tootle, W., Zhang, Q., Hou, W., Norton, T.T., Dirkes, K., Zangwill, L.M., "Choroidal thickness profiles in myopic eyes of young adults in the Correction of Myopia Evaluation Trial cohort" Presented at ARVO meeting (poster).
2013 Hyman, L., Gwiazda, J., Harb, E., Marsh-Tootle, W., The COMET Study Group. Macular Thickness in Myopic and Non-Myopic Young Adults. Presented at ARVO meeting (poster).
2013 Wetherby, L., Harb, E., Choi,S., Doble,N., “Cone density and packing characteristics in treated amblyopic eyes” Presented at AAO meeting (poster).
2013 Titelbaum, J., Mayer, L, Deng, L. Harb, E. “The effect of crowding conditions on visual acuity in treated amblyopes” Presented at AAO meeting (paper).
2012 Srinivasan, G., Harb, E., Mayer, D.L., Deng, L. “Impact of contour interaction and crowding on Sloan letter acuity” Presented at AAO meeting (poster).
2012 Wetherby,L., Harb, E., Choi,S., Doble,N., Weissberg,E. “Inner retinal characteristics in treated amblyopic eyes” Presented at AAO meeting (poster).
2011 Sanborn, J., Harb, E., Mayer, D.L., Deng, L., Quinn, N., Moore, B. “Pediatric Visual Acuity Tests in Preschoolers: Do Optotypes and Presentation Modes Matter?” Presented at AAO meeting (poster).
2011 Mallios, J., Harb, E., Mayer,D.L., Deng,L. “The Effect of Various Crowding Conditions Using Patti Pics in Kindergartners.” Presented at AAO meeting (poster).
2011 Wetherby, L., Harb, E., Weissberg, E., Doble, N., Choi, S. “Investigation of outer retinal differences in amblyopic eyes.” Presented at ARVO meeting (poster).
2010 Mallios, J., Harb, E., Sanborn, J. Mayer,D.L., Deng,L. “Optotype Response Errors and Confusion for Two Pediatric Tests in Adults and Children.” Presented at AAO meeting (poster).
2010 Johnson, C., Harb, E. “The eye care provider’s role in diagnosis of Chiari I malformation in an adolescent with longstanding headache.” Presented at AAO meeting (poster).
2010 Ah-Kine,D., Harb, E, Mayer,L., Deng,L. Patti Pics Vs. Sloan Letters Visual Acuity and the Effect of Crowding. Presented at AAO meeting (poster).
2009 Mallios, J., Harb, E, Moore, B., Mayer,L., Deng,L. “Comparison of Pediatric Computerized Visual Acuity Systems to a Pediatric ‘Gold-Standard’”. Presented at AAO meeting (poster).
2009 Troilo,D., Totonelly,K., & Harb,E. “Imposed anisometropia, accommodation, and regulation of refractive state.” Presented at AAO meeting (poster).
2008 Harb,E., Ghosh,S., Totonelly,K., O’Connor,M. & Troilo,D. “The effect of lens induced anisometropia on the accommodative response in marmoset monkeys.” Presented at AAO meeting (paper).
2008 Harb,E., Ghosh,S., Totonelly,K., O’Connor,M. & Troilo,D. “The accommodation response with lens-imposed anisometropia in marmoset monkeys.” Presented at the 12th Annual Myopia Conference. Cairns, Australia (paper).
2008 Harb,E., Kern,D., He,J., Thorn,F., & Gwiazda,J. “Blur detection after adaptation to blurred and clear text in myopic and emmetropic young adults.” Presented at ARVO meeting (poster).
2005 Troilo, D., Harb, E., et al. “Accommodation behavior in rhesus macaques during free viewing of an operant conditioned visual task.” Presented at ARVO meeting (poster).
2004 Harb, E., Thorn, F., & Troilo, D. “Temporal characteristics of sustained accommodation in myopes and emmetropes.” Presented at AAO meeting (paper).
2004 Harb, E., Thorn, F., & Troilo, D. “Behavioral characteristics of accommodation during periods of sustained reading.” Presented at 10th annual International Myopia Conference. Cambridge, England (paper).
Scientific Publications Bibliography can be found at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/myncbi/1fykobknbFEkd/bibliography/public/
2019 Harb, E., Wildsoet, C. “Nutritional Factors and Myopia: An Analysis of NHANES Data”. Optom and Vis Sci. Under Review.
2017 Marsh-Tootle, W., Harb, E., Hou,W., Zhang, Q., et al. “Optic nerve tilt, crescent, ovality and torsion in a multi-ethnic cohort of young adults with and without myopia” Inves Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 58(7): 3158-3171.
2016 Liu, L., Marsh-Tootle, W., Harb E., Hou,W., Zhang, Q., et al. “A Sloped Piecemeal Gaussian Model for Characterizing Foveal Pit Shape” Ophthal Physiol Optics. 36(6): 615-631.
2015 Harb, E., Hyman, L., Gwiazda, J., Marsh-Tootle, W., Zhang, Q., Hou, W., Norton, T.T., Dirkes, K., Zangwill, L.M., "Choroidal thickness profiles in myopic eyes of young adults in the Correction of Myopia Evaluation Trial cohort" Am J Ophthalmol. 160(1):62-71.
2013 Scheiman, M., Zhang, Q., Gwiazda, J., Hyman, L., Harb, E., Weissberg, E., ... & Dias, L. Visual activity and its association with myopia stabilization. Ophthal Physiol Optics. 34(3) 263-385.
2012 Harb, E., Hyman,L., Fazzari,M., Marsh-Tootle,W., Gwiazda,J. and the COMET group. “Factors Associated with Macular Thickness in the COMET Myopic Cohort” Optom and Vis Sci. 89(5) 620-631.
2009 Troilo, D., Totonelly, K. and Harb, E. Imposed anisometropia, accommodation, and regulation of refractive state. Optom and Vis Sci, 86(1), pp.E31-E39.
2009 Correction of Myopia Evaluation Trial 2 Study Group. “Accommodative lag by autorefraction and two dynamic retinoscopy methods.” Optom and Vis Sci; 86(3):233-43.
2006 Harb,E., Thorn,F., & Troilo, D. “Characteristics of accommodative behavior during sustained reading in emmetropes and myopes.” Vision Research. 46(16).2581-2592.
2005 Harb, E., Kran, B. “Pfeiffer Syndrome: ocular and systemic complications.” Optometry-Journal of the American Optometric Association. 76(7). 352-362.
2018 Harb, E., Wildsoet, C. “Origins of Refractive Error: Environmental and Genetic Influences”. Annual Review of Vision Science. (5):47-72.
2011 Harb, E. “Ocular Periphery and Disorders – Chapter on Hyperopia”, Elsevier, Edited by Dartt, Bex, Dana, McLoon, D’Amore, & Niederkorn . (Revised 2018)
2009 Harb, E. “Encyclopedia of the Eye- Chapter on Hyperopia” Elsevier, Edited by Joseph Beshare & Reza Dana
2008 Harb, E. American Optometric Association Clinical Guidelines: Hyperopia. Major Participant in Revision of Guidelines.
2019 Godinez A, Harb E, Grimes J, Davuluru S, Wildsoet CF, Levi D “Binocular Vision Changes Following Sustained VR Play” Presented at ARVO meeting (poster).
2019 Harb E., Godinez A, Grimes J, Davuluru S, Wildsoet CF, Levi D “ Choroidal Thickness Changes Following Sustained VR Play” Presented at ARVO meeting (poster).
2018 Harb, E., Hoang, J., Kim, MY., Giuliano, C., Wildsoet, CF. “Outdoor and Indoor Lighting Characteristics and Myopia”. Presented at AAO meeting (poster).
2017 Harb, E., M Guillen, JE Choi, M Chan, Z Sajjadi, CF Wildsoet “Subjective and Objective Measures of Human Behavior Are Not Equivalent” Presented at International Myopia meeting (Birmingham, UK, poster).
2016 Harb, E., Wildsoet, C. “The relationship between Vitamin D and myopia: An analysis of NHANES data” Presented at AAO meeting (paper).
2016 Harb E., Chan, M., Tran, A., Wildsoet, C. “Characteristics of indoor and outdoor light exposure differ with refractive status in young adults” Presented at ARVO meeting (poster).
2016 Chan, M., Harb E., Tran, A., Wildsoet, C. “Subjective questionnaires overestimate habitual outdoor activity in young adults” Presented at ARVO meeting (poster).
2015 Harb, E., Alvarez, A., Chan, M., Tran, A., Wildsoet, C. “Outdoor activity is predictable in university students” Presented at AAO meeting (poster).
2015 Liu, L., Marsh-Tootle,W., Harb,E., Hyman,L., Hou,W., Zhang,Q., Anderson, H., Norton, T.T., Gwiazda, J. “A Sloped Piece Gaussian Model for Foveal Pit Shape Tested on OCT Data from Young Adults” Presented at ARVO meeting (poster).
2014 Harb, E., Hyman, L., Gwiazda, J., Marsh-Tootle, W., Zhang, Q., Hou, W., Norton, T.T., Dirkes, K., Zangwill, L.M., "Choroidal thickness profiles in myopic eyes of young adults in the Correction of Myopia Evaluation Trial cohort" Presented at ARVO meeting (poster).
2013 Hyman, L., Gwiazda, J., Harb, E., Marsh-Tootle, W., The COMET Study Group. Macular Thickness in Myopic and Non-Myopic Young Adults. Presented at ARVO meeting (poster).
2013 Wetherby, L., Harb, E., Choi,S., Doble,N., “Cone density and packing characteristics in treated amblyopic eyes” Presented at AAO meeting (poster).
2013 Titelbaum, J., Mayer, L, Deng, L. Harb, E. “The effect of crowding conditions on visual acuity in treated amblyopes” Presented at AAO meeting (paper).
2012 Srinivasan, G., Harb, E., Mayer, D.L., Deng, L. “Impact of contour interaction and crowding on Sloan letter acuity” Presented at AAO meeting (poster).
2012 Wetherby,L., Harb, E., Choi,S., Doble,N., Weissberg,E. “Inner retinal characteristics in treated amblyopic eyes” Presented at AAO meeting (poster).
2011 Sanborn, J., Harb, E., Mayer, D.L., Deng, L., Quinn, N., Moore, B. “Pediatric Visual Acuity Tests in Preschoolers: Do Optotypes and Presentation Modes Matter?” Presented at AAO meeting (poster).
2011 Mallios, J., Harb, E., Mayer,D.L., Deng,L. “The Effect of Various Crowding Conditions Using Patti Pics in Kindergartners.” Presented at AAO meeting (poster).
2011 Wetherby, L., Harb, E., Weissberg, E., Doble, N., Choi, S. “Investigation of outer retinal differences in amblyopic eyes.” Presented at ARVO meeting (poster).
2010 Mallios, J., Harb, E., Sanborn, J. Mayer,D.L., Deng,L. “Optotype Response Errors and Confusion for Two Pediatric Tests in Adults and Children.” Presented at AAO meeting (poster).
2010 Johnson, C., Harb, E. “The eye care provider’s role in diagnosis of Chiari I malformation in an adolescent with longstanding headache.” Presented at AAO meeting (poster).
2010 Ah-Kine,D., Harb, E, Mayer,L., Deng,L. Patti Pics Vs. Sloan Letters Visual Acuity and the Effect of Crowding. Presented at AAO meeting (poster).
2009 Mallios, J., Harb, E, Moore, B., Mayer,L., Deng,L. “Comparison of Pediatric Computerized Visual Acuity Systems to a Pediatric ‘Gold-Standard’”. Presented at AAO meeting (poster).
2009 Troilo,D., Totonelly,K., & Harb,E. “Imposed anisometropia, accommodation, and regulation of refractive state.” Presented at AAO meeting (poster).
2008 Harb,E., Ghosh,S., Totonelly,K., O’Connor,M. & Troilo,D. “The effect of lens induced anisometropia on the accommodative response in marmoset monkeys.” Presented at AAO meeting (paper).
2008 Harb,E., Ghosh,S., Totonelly,K., O’Connor,M. & Troilo,D. “The accommodation response with lens-imposed anisometropia in marmoset monkeys.” Presented at the 12th Annual Myopia Conference. Cairns, Australia (paper).
2008 Harb,E., Kern,D., He,J., Thorn,F., & Gwiazda,J. “Blur detection after adaptation to blurred and clear text in myopic and emmetropic young adults.” Presented at ARVO meeting (poster).
2005 Troilo, D., Harb, E., et al. “Accommodation behavior in rhesus macaques during free viewing of an operant conditioned visual task.” Presented at ARVO meeting (poster).
2004 Harb, E., Thorn, F., & Troilo, D. “Temporal characteristics of sustained accommodation in myopes and emmetropes.” Presented at AAO meeting (paper).
2004 Harb, E., Thorn, F., & Troilo, D. “Behavioral characteristics of accommodation during periods of sustained reading.” Presented at 10th annual International Myopia Conference. Cambridge, England (paper).